Appeal Ruling #68: 28 June 2022
(pdf, 326 KB)
Mr A appealed a decision by an Adjudicator on a complaint he had made against a design engineer, Mr B, in relation to alteration work designed by Mr B, on a house he had subsequently purchased. The work involved installing roof support beams to replace walls removed during the alterations. A site constraint meant the beams were replaced by a simple cantilevered beam and post, designed by Mr B, and the work was completed to this revised design and a PS4 was issued by Mr B. Mr A's complaint alleged breaches of process by the RA (not able to be appealed through CPEC's appeal process) and breaches of the code of ethics by Mr B.The CPEC panel dismissed the appeal on the basis that any alleged breaches of the rules were insufficiently grave to refer the complaint to an investigation committee.